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How to Stretch Your Hips to Keep Them Feeling Great

A lot of times, the back of the hip goes unstretched and doesn’t get enough attention. You can remedy this using the 90-90 position. It’s similar to the hurdler’s stretch that you’ve probably done sometime in your athletic career. Begin by sitting on the ground and setting your hips, knees, and ankles flat at 90 degree angles. From that point, arch your lower back to accentuate the stretch and work the back of the front leg.

For all my yogis out there, this can seem like a remedial position. In order to make it more difficult, pretend there is a string coming straight up from your belly button and it’s pulling you forward. One common mistake people make with this type of stretch is folding over and losing the integrity of the lower-back arch. 

Just like all stretches, you should hold the 90-90 position for two minutes.


That arch is the most important part of this stretch. It separates your hips and allows the stretch to originate from the back of the hip. Just like all stretches, you should hold the 90-90 position for two minutes. That’s the amount of time you really need to make a difference in that tissue.

If you do have hip pain and the first stretch didn’t resolve it, click here to schedule a complimentary screening at the Wellness Revolution. If you have any other questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call us or send us an email. We would be happy to help you!